
1.  No Alcohol or Drugs allowed. ALL “Energy shots” such as Kratom, CBD, Red Dawn, sleepwalkers etc are PROHIBITED. RELAPSE IS AN AUTOMATIC DISMISSAL.

2.  No smoking or vaping inside any Hickey House facility or off-site meeting space. No tobacco use allowed indoors. Disposable Vaporizers are allowed, Refillable Vaporizers are PROHIBITED, due to their ability to be loaded with mood altering substances.

3.  No physical violence or threat of violence by any residents will be tolerated either on or off Hickey House Property. Fighting means automatic dismissal.

4.  Destruction of personal or Hickey House Property, whether intentional or otherwise is grounds for dismissal.

5.  No weapons of any type are allowed on Hickey House Property.

6.  All residents must work a full time 40 hour/week job or the equivalent in community service. Full time college is allowed after 180 days in Program.

7.  No Gambling allowed in any Hickey House facility. VIOLATORS WILL BE FINED $50.

8.  No pornography allowed in any Hickey House facility.

9.  Each resident must keep his personal habitat sanitary and neat. This includes the making of beds each morning. All residents will be awake and out of bed by 9am each weekday morning. Laundry must be done once a week.

10. All first-year residents will respect an 11pm curfew. Indoor adherence is required.

11. All first-year residents are required to attend all meetings on the meeting schedule. A minimum of one meeting per day is required.

12. Residents who do not have full time employment are required to attend the noon 12-Step meeting Monday through Friday.

13. All residents will respect a 10pm Quiet Time. All public areas, including the kitchen, close at 11pm. 

14. All residents will be required to pay $30.00 per week for house money. This is in addition to the $225.00 weekly Program Cost. This money is to cover the food cost of each house. Any resident more than two weeks behind on house money will be dismissed. NO EXCEPTIONS.

15. No resident will be allowed a vehicle for the first 180 days. Residents are not allowed to drive anyone else’s vehicle while in the Hickey House program. If a resident is re-admitted into the Hickey House, they will not be given driving privileges for at least 90 days.     

16. No females are allowed on Hickey House property at any time.

17. All residents are responsible for the cleanliness, appearance, and maintenance of their respective house. Cleaning Meetings will be scheduled to maintain Military Standard.

18. All residents are responsible for the completion of their assigned daily chore. 

19. Disrespecting, lying to, defying, or any other non-complying behavior toward Staff is grounds for disciplinary action including dismissal.

20. Use the chain of command. Ask staff, then, if necessary, ask Assistant Director, then, if necessary, ask Program Director. Staff splitting will result in disciplinary action and/or dismissal.

21. New residents are not allowed to leave the house alone for 30 days. After 90 days a resident may fill out a “pass request form” for the purpose of a weekend pass. One weekend pass per month, per resident. Pass request forms should be given to Resident Managers (staff).

22. No unauthorized prescription medications are allowed. No Alcohol based personal hygiene products, or cough syrups. All medications must be kept locked up and dispensed by Staff unless they have been approved to be held by the resident. All medications will be discussed prior to admission. Failure to comply means automatic dismissal.

23. Accountability Boards will be used by all residents in each facility. Be specific about your location and who you are with on the board. Failure to comply will result in extra chores, house restriction, and/or dismissal.

24. Tattoo parlors, Head shops, Vape shops, Smoke shops, Bars, Dispensaries, & Pawn shops or otherwise are off limits to all residents.

25. No cell phone, food or tobacco use during any Group, inside or outside, or Mandatory Outside Meetings.

26. Disciplinary action for non-compliance to the aforementioned or heretofore approved rules will include, but not be limited to: staffing, extra chores, loss of privileges (such as driving privileges), house restriction, and/or dismissal from the program.